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Multiversum is a quantum leap in Blockchain technology, because it operates in a yet unexplored area of the protocol: data structure. It has a fundamental importance for its actual applicability outside of simple monetary transactions or simple external reference of applications of self-standing data. Furthermore, it gives its own answer to speed issues allowing parallel transactions on self-splittable and self-rejoinable sub-chains, replacing extremely expensive and polluting PoW (Proof of Work) and PoS (Proof of Stake) with a new concept: Proof of Integrity, a lightweight, fast and low environmental footprint system which, despite being still under development, already gives evidence of its efficiency.
Multiversum manages parallel transactions, complex data structures and can certify with typical blockchain transactions.
We based our structure on well consolidated classic IT methods, practices and values, which despite being used in years are still not well known to cryptocurrency world. Furthermore, when we'll think that our security standards are at their best, we'll organize “Hacker- Contests” whith conspicuous prizes to who will manage to cracking the system, helping us recognizing its weaknesses.
Multiversum technology is centralization agnostic. This means it can run in both contexts. The implementation of our infrastructure is totally decentralized.
Multiversum was born to solve practical issues in financiary, governmental and industrial contexts: it gives the opportunity to embed blockchain in every already existing classical work environments (offices, enterprises, pubblic institutions) as a replacement to existing databases. Our blockchain is designed to be useful in a broad range of applications, beyond typical micro-sectors and micro-utility scenarios that currently employ Blockchain technology.
We have a whole Universe of possibilities and evolutions to offer, a Multivesum indeed!
It's the chance of structuring a complex database inside Blockchain, using it's features: self certification of contents and of its operations, distribution, verifiability and safety.
It's the standard methodology of IT industry: instead of investing months or years before starting a project, studying every detail, a core of objectives is defined. Then, when the profitability of these objectives is acknowledged and a sufficient budget is collected, development starts: the experience collected on the field will determine the best practices, the risks, the problems and the opportunities in a clearer and neater way than with an ex-ante assessment. The classic approach would let other characters of the same market perfectly fulfill the market needs, making ours redundant and dooming funds to sure waste. We can already answer the market in real time, therefore making Multiversum MainNet the most innovative and fit product at the time of its release. Traditional Waterfall development would not allow us, on the contrary, to be up to date.
It's the chance to increase a system work capability, increasing the number of machines and make them work parallely. On the contrary, vertical scalability allows increased prestation by using better machines. That is dismissing pre-existent machines, losing previous investment, and buying new ones which are exponentially more expensive.
It's the ability to make two processing units work on different data at the same time, i.e. not keeping one idle until the other ends its work. For instance: given two operations Op_A (execution time: 1 second) and Op_B (execution time: 2 seconds) and two P_1 and P_2 processors, parallelism allows processor P_1 to execute Op_A and, at the same time, processor P_2 to execute Op_B : needed time is just the longest between the two (2 seconds). If the process was sequencial, instead, one of the processors should sit idle until the other one completes Op_A and process Op_B while the other one sits idle: total processing time would be the sum of the two, i.e. 2+1 = 3 seconds.
It's a brand new anti-hijacking system that prevents losing blockchain control as long as 50%+1 of nodes are authentic. It will use cryptographic mechanisms that make the process remarkably more energy-efficient, therefore eco-friendly.
It does not require as much power as PoW, allows parallel work, and uses secure and efficient algorithms.
This is our second phase scope. We believe in interoperability among Blockchains, in collaboration with serious characters, in the opportunity of being the junction point between different universes of coins and applications. A Multivesum!
We don't waste resources with PoW and our operations are fast and lightweight. Tiny, low power servers are enough to run our nodes. We only have one planet: do we really want to consume twice as, for instance, Hungary, each year, only to save data on a database!? (cf. consumption)
Multiversum was born to solve practical issues in financiary, governmental and industrial contexts: it gives the opportunity to embed blockchain in every already existing classical work environments (offices, enterprises, pubblic institutions) as a replacement to existing databases. Our blockchain is designed to be useful in a broad range of applications, beyond typical micro-sectors and micro-utility scenarios that currently employ Blockchain technology.
Absolutely NOT! Mining pollutes, and we expect a harsh regulation on this pointless waste of energy. Furthermore, our sense of responsibility prevents us from further devastating the planet that hosts us.
Multiversum will be able to replace traditional databases, offering the users an efficient, inexpensive and easy-to-use solution for applications that require safety in data integrity, certificability on data record states and credibility public-perception-wise.
It's a wallet that, because of an adapters and buffer system, allows hosting different currencies, not necessarily using ERC20 or ERC23 interface.